Wow. So it's exactly a month away that e.drama heads to the cities!
My head is spinning with how much we still need to do!!!
I'll fill you in on the history a little here before I head off on all my rabbit trails.
I moved home from Dallas the summer of 2007 and within a few months, I was plugged in at church as much as my schedule would let me really with choir practice Thursdays, EPIK (our youth group) Wednesdays, and church on Sundays for both services because of choir, I was really enjoying it because it wasn't TOO much, you know?
Well, in November, my youth pastor, Jon, asked me to get together with another girl (whom I'd never met before) and start up a youth group drama team. Well, we messaged eachother (this other girl and I) on facebook a few times and saw eachother in church with the occasional sweet "hi! how are you?" and of course the "we really should try to figure something out for this!" Guess what? It didn't happen. :D Well, for a year anyway. The fall of 2008 we decided to finally get our butts in gear and meet up for some ideas.
Turns out we had a TON of them!!! We even put on our own little drama to introduce the fact that we were starting a drama team. I guess it was pretty good because we thought we'd get maybe like, 7 kids who were interested come to the meeting and we were crossing our fingers for at least one or two boys....we now have 7 boys and 12 girls that come on a regular basis! How sweet is that?!?
So we've put on 5 skits/human videos in the past 2 1/2 months! We're currently working on 5 more human videos and one more skit! For those of you who don't know what a human video is, it is a story to music. Kind of like a music video, but moreso because it's on stage, we put more of a story to it then music videos usually show.
So with our 19 kids and the many projects going on at once, it is getting pretty hectic! We practice every Wednesday night before youth group and Sundays at 1pm...what makes it even MORE hectic, is that we are planning on competing in a Fine Arts Competition in EXACTLY ONE MONTH!!!! We have sooo much to do! Only 1/3 of the large group human video is planned out and the scripts for the large drama skit still need to be memorized! Luckily blocking is taken care of as well as I'm finishing up the costume side of things this afternoon at church. T-shirts have been ordered and paid for, the initial registration forms will be sent out today and the check for the competition sent out after two board members sign it on Sunday. I'm waiting on a few more parent permission slips and trying to iron out 2 more vans to GET us to the cities that weekend.
The total upside of all this happening is that I can see how I've been able to let God use me to speak into these kids' lives and how amazing it is to see them minister to their peers thru really intense human videos and cheesy/funny skits!
Even tho it's hectic, I know I'm definitely extremely lucky to be part of this! I'm excited for it all to climax and see how they do because if they get a score of Superior with Invitation, we get to go to ORLANDO, FL in August!!!!
Cross your fingers! :D

I love your new look! I'm so happy you started blogging again! It makes the distance and the fact that we don't get to see each other often slightly more bearable! Love you!