Friday, March 27, 2009

Me Me Me Me...Now You!

So I am now currently totally consumed with needing to read Big Mama's Blog on a daily basis because she writes on a daily basis! So with not having much to do at work today, I started reading older posts from previous years that's she wrote.

Here is one that I decided to follow in her more experienced blogging shoes with. It's called a meme and it's much like a survey you forward to people and answer yourself, just the blog version!

1. Favorite Memory of your Mother?

My favorite thing about my mom growing up was when we were sick, she babied us! She set up a bed on the living room couch or in her own bed and would give us a glass of water, a bucket (in case we needed it) and a beautiful golden bell. It was in case she wasn't close enough for us to call her, we'd ring the bell and she'd be right there to see what we needed and how we were feeling.
2. Favorite Memory of your Father?

Almost everyday, my dad would get home from work and all 6 of us kids would start yelling and jumping around saying "dad's home!" We would be like monkeys waiting to jump on him as soon as his shoes were off and his coat was hung up nicely in the closet. Then he'd turn around and let us jump on him and tackle him to the ground. We would then wrestle with him until one of the kids got a little hurt and he said, "ok, that's enough" and would make sure we were all ok before heading into the kitchen for dinner! The fact that he did that with, again I stress, SIX kids! That's a great dad!

My newest favorite memory of my dad was just recently I had him over to my place for dinner and a date. We both had prayed and made a list separately of qualities we wanted in a husband for me. My dad had verses listed by all of his qualities and we prayed and ate and talked and hugged and he helped do the dishes! Probably my favorite right now!

3. Favorite Memory of your Siblings?

Oh wow, where do I start? With 6 siblings now (we adopted a beautiful blonde 14 year old last year!) the memories range from some with just sisters to just brothers to a mix and to all of us together....I think my favorites are the big meals we all sit around and talk and then spontaneously break into song with heart is happy when I think about my family!

4. What one skill would you like to wake up tomorrow and be able to do (though you’d never learned it)?

I wish I could dance really really well. I mean like, REALLY well! All kinds. Hip hop, ballerina, jazz, heck, even the fox trot! I'm not bad and I don't have 2 left feet, I just never have been given an opportunity to learn...yet!

5. Which one of your dreams has come true?

I met the man of my dreams! I'm slowly seeing the dream continue to unfold and I'm totally loving every moment! Sometimes I worry that it is all just a dream, but then I tell him to pinch me and he looks at me funny then I pinch myself, and yep! It's real!

Ok, so now you can do these too! Just copy and paste the questions and fill in your answers...then let me know! I'd love to read them!

1 comment:

  1. Its so nice to find that guy. It took about a year for me to stop pinching myself! I lvoe the black and whites!
