Friday, March 27, 2009

Oh Dontcha Know!

I love has such character!
So I actually started the blogging frenzy back in 2006 when I first started my blog on Myspace (it's all about facebook now tho!) I was looking through some of my old blogs and I came across this one I put up back when I lived in Dallas....Enjoy!

Jeff Foxworthy on Minnesota :
-If you consider it a sport to gather your food by drilling through 18 inches of ice and sitting there all day hoping that the food will swim by, You might live in Minnesota .
-If you're proud that your state makes the national news 96 nights each year because International Falls is the coldest spot in the nation, you might live in Minnesota .
-If you have ever refused to buy something because it's "too spendy", you might live in Minnesota .
-If your local Dairy Queen is closed from November through March, you might live in Minnesota .
-If someone in a store offers you assistance, and they don't work there, you might live in Minnesota .
-If you have worn shorts and a parka at the same time, you might live in Minnesota .
-If your town has an equal number of bars and churches, you might live in Minnesota .
-If you know how to say...Wayzata ...Mahtomedi, ....Cloquet ... Edina and Shakopee, you might live in Minnesota .
-If you think that ketchup is a little too spicy, you might live in Minnesota .
-Vacation means going "up north" for the weekend, you might live in Minnesota .
-You measure distance in hours, you might live in Minnesota .
-You know several people who have hit deer more than once, you might live in Minnesota .
-You often switch from "heat" to "A/C" in the same day .and back again, you might live in Minnesota .
-You can drive 65 mph through 2 feet of snow during a raging blizzard, without flinching, you might live in Minnesota ..
-You see people wearing hunting clothes at social events, you might live in Minnesota .
-You install security lights on your house and garage and leave both unlocked, you might live in Minnesota .
-You think of the major food groups as beer, fish, and Venison, you might live in Minnesota .
-You carry jumper cables in your car and your girlfriend knows how to use them, you might live in Minnesota .
-There are 7 empty cars running in the parking lot at Mill's Fleet Farm at any given time, you might live in Minnesota .
-You design your kid's Halloween costume to fit over a snowsuit, you might live in Minnesota .
-Driving is better in the winter because the potholes are filled with snow, you might live in Minnesota .
-You know all 4 seasons: almost winter, winter, still winter and road construction, you might live in Minnesota .
-You can identify a southern or eastern accent, you might live in Minnesota .
-Your idea of creative landscaping is a statue of a deer next to your blue spruce, you might live in Minnesota .
-Down South to you means Iowa , you might live in Minnesota .
-If a brat is something you eat, you might live in Minnesota.
-If you find 0 degrees "a little chilly," you might live in Minnesota

1 comment:

  1. I wish I couldn've taken you to my language and culture class last Friday; we watched "Learn to speak Minnesotan" and it was hilarious!
