Wednesday, April 22, 2009


When I was in the 5th grade, my dad sold our tv.

He felt like God was telling him that it was a waste of time and that our priorities as a family should be reordered instead of aimlessly staring at a tv screen. It turned out to be good that my dad obeyed God, he was given a raise and promotion soon after! But for us kids, it was the end of the world!

Fast forward ten years now (wow, it's really been that long since the days of N'Sync and Backstreet Boys and Britney Spears' innocence?) and you'll find a family that really gets into their shows.

I mean REALLY.

LOST and Heroes. Both of which I got my family hooked on (I'll take the credit - they really are good shows)! They have become a family gathering and common ground. I know my parents don't mind so much now because A: it's pretty difficult to get two teenage girls and one teenage boy to not only look forward to spending time with their parents but also beg them to do so! And B: you can rent the shows on DVD or order them from Netflix and avoid the nuisance that which is commercials.

I want to take this opportunity and state that I am not a television junky by any means. I don't have time. Instead, I'll stick to my texting and netflix.
But lately, my roommate and I have been able to watch Scrubs (HILARIOUS show by the way, but that's not the path of which this blog is going...where is it going?) late at night and chit chat our way through it on the nights where we both are home at a decent hour and awake enough to do so.
Last night was one such night.

And like I said before, I'm not a tv junky so I don't get the chance to really sit down and enjoy those commercials.

Last night, I saw one that most people probably have seen many times over already. But it seriously made my night and I laughed again when I re-ran it through my head.

This guy is in an interview and he's gassy. Everything that the lady is saying is reminding him of how bad it is "I see here you are flatulant in three languages." That stunned me.

What really got my roommate and me laughing was when the male assistant comes in and taps the interviewing lady on the shoulder and says, complete with hand gestures, "your son Rip is on line toot."

Oh commercial, how you tickle my funny bone!


  1. When you were in the 5th grade, or when Dad was?

  2. I've never seen that one =-( But then again, we're two of those people who don't have TV channels and watch a lot of movies and seasons!
